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Books & Series Coming soon in eBook & Print (Publisher & Indy)

Highland Vows and Vengeance Series​​

By the edict of King Alexander, four Highland lairds are commanded to marry their choice of a border baron’s daughter. To unite Scotland’s far reaches of the north with the southern border region, would swell his army’s numbers and aid in his quest to take lands held by Norway. To gain the lairds’ concession, the king dangles an even greater prize: exemption of one year’s tithe on their lands and the opportunity to provoke their rivals in hand-to-hand combat to win first choice of bride. With these vows, vengeance would be theirs.


Will their marriage vows hold the promise of love and vengeance for these Highlanders?


Genre: Scottish Highland Historical Romance | Steamy Romance


Three book series:






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A Daisy For Michaelmas​​

Holden Graham, a recluse, tucked away in the forest near his clan’s land, finds an unconscious woman at the bottom of a mound. He has no choice but to take her back to his cottage and care for her. She awakens with no memory of her name. With the oncoming Michaelmas season, he calls her Daisy because the flower is prevalent in the Michaelmas celebrations and endeared to him.

With her life in peril and on the run, Darbee Lindsey falls down a hill and wakes with no memory of her life. Little does she know that because she witnessed a murder, her life is in grave danger. She awakens in the home of a handsome Highlander, a man who enchants her with his noble care and sensual allure.

Holden’s brother not only took the lairdship from him, but Thomas also stole his first love. He cannot forgive his brother for his deception and banishes himself to the far stretches of his land. He’d been gone almost three years, and still, he heard about the squabbles betwixt his clansmen. When his brother is slain, he is called home and Holden must decide if a life with his clan is possible.

Holden has received a most precious gift—a Daisy for Michaelmas. With each day they spend together, Holden and Daisy cannot resist the desire that draws them close. Holden wants to protect her, but with each memory that returns and the possibility of him returning to his clan, Daisy is further pulled from his embrace. Can he keep her from being harmed by someone close to her? Will he receive a Michaelmas miracle and be able to keep the woman he’s come to care for?


Genre: A Steamy Medieval Historical Romance  * Coming October 2024!

Sons of the King's Guard​​
A Highland Historical Mystery & Romance Series

This series is a sequel of The Legend of the King’s Guard and will
feature the sons from the heroes and heroines along with other
hot Highland guards.

In the hope to rival their fathers’ legendary acts, these men are
inspired to help the needy and seek retribution/truth for crimes
committed in the Highlands. Along with these mysteries, love
finds a way to aid them and in their quests, their lives are forever
changed by brotherhood, honor, and love.

A Laird in the Making - Book One


* This will be a 10 book series featuring a different Hero & Heroine with at least two mysteries per book.

Keepers of the Kingdom​
In 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, has conquered England. Now that he rules the unruly land, he needs to secure his holding and borders. In order to keep the kingdom, he sends his most loyal warriors to the far-reaches of the land. There, they will settle and bring the natives to heel. His command to infiltrate, build, and bring peace by instigating his rule shouldn't be too difficult for his men. If only William realized the women his warriors encounter are not so easily tamed.


Genre: A Steamy Medieval Historical Romance series coming soon!

The Balladeer Society​​
King Edward has forbidden bards from performing in Britain, but the bards disregard the law of the land and thwart the king's command. As they go from village to village, singing their woeful or scandalous songs, they risk more than their peril when they become entangled with mischievous, dangerous, winsome, and delightful women.


Will the bards give up their pursuits of song and music? Can they do so for the sake of love?


Genre: A Steamy Medieval Historical Romance

series coming soon!

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